View Profile Spunky6666
I like Mayonnaise a lot. And submitting art to Newgrounds. But mostly mayonnaise.


Medal Earner/ Artist

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Mayotown, USA

Joined on 9/5/09

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Spunky6666's News

Posted by Spunky6666 - May 21st, 2010

I has one.

And yes, I am being vague on purpose.

Also, the website just got updated.

Posted by Spunky6666 - May 2nd, 2010

I got my new picture, Rob the zombie meets Pico, uploaded to Newgrounds. It's shown below so that you can bask in its awesomeness. No, but seriously, I do feel like this picture is a step up for me, as there is way more detail in it than there is in any other picture of mine. Also, I feel good about it because it's my first "Newgrounds holiday" picture. Feel free to comment on it, I like me some feedback. As for the future, I'll be posting to both my art threads soon, and the website will be getting an update next weekend. As far as actual projects go, I have something pretty big planned for the Mayonauts, but I can't reveal anything about it yet, other than it involves flash. Which is actually revealing a lot, if you think about it. More updates to come in the near future, until then, peace!

Pico Day went well!

Posted by Spunky6666 - April 21st, 2010

Yeah, I'm getting bored with these little updates, too. What is this, the third one now? Wow, I cannot wait for Pico Day so I can realease my new drawing and get to work again! Well, for now, let's just get this done:

-The Rob the zombie picture is really coming along now. I've started the final copy and I'm in the process of inking it now, and then I just have to color it. I know that sounds like a lot, but I'm actually almost done.

-Surprise! During my break, I took up an offer to do a cartoon for some extra credit and it turned out really well. It's for and a half pages, and it's going to end up in a literature society magazine. Once I get it back, (it has to be copied) I'll put it on my website.

-Which brings me to my last point. Once the break is over, not only will some more new drawings be made, but I will also resume the regular weekly updating of my website.

Well, that went quite well, actually. I didn't even have to light anyone on fire! Just so you know, this will be my last update until Pico Day. See you then!

Posted by Spunky6666 - March 19th, 2010

So, as I mentioned last post, I am on break until April 30th, at which point I will be releasing my new drawing for Pico Day. The drawing is going great. I got the rough copy almost completely done, and I gotta say, the final product is going to rock. Since I have so much time until Pico Day, I've been able to give this picture a lot of love and care, so the result is probably my most detailed piece yet. Also, I have a few other things planned for after Pico Day. These include one or two Mayonauts pictures, a new Twitchy drawing, a few solo projects and a nice little surprise. As for what that is, you'll just have to wait and see. Lastly, my simple ninja is still in the running for SCOW#4, but the voting thread isn't up yet, so the contest is kind of at a stand-still as of now. I'm hoping Posca gets it up soon. Until next time, remember to be optomistic: at least your not on fire.

Posted by Spunky6666 - March 5th, 2010

Here's my SCOW#4 entry. If you like it, do me a favor and throw a vote my way. Thanks!

Simple Ninja

Posted by Spunky6666 - February 26th, 2010

I am officially announcing that I am taking a small break from drawing. If you've noticed, I really haven't been posting new drawings lately. That is because I'm a little worn out from being unscouted so suddenly, and I need some recovery time. I think taking a breather will help me to come back stronger than before. Also, I'd like to emphasize that this break is not permanent. It's only going to last until Pico Day, (hint, hint) which is April 30th. I'll still be on Newgrounds during that time, I just won't be adding any new art to my profile. I will, however, continue to enter in the SCOW contests. I've gotten second with my pirate, and it looks like I'm going to finish around third with my robot. Hopefully my alien, (shown below) will be able to land me in the #1 position. Until next time, have a good day, and remember, the second floor is NOT for sneaking out.

Taking a break...

Posted by Spunky6666 - February 13th, 2010

I have entered the second SCOW contest. I did pretty well in the first one, but I hope to win it this time. Be sure to vote for me! Here's my simple robot:

Simple Robot!

Posted by Spunky6666 - February 11th, 2010

...and I don't really want to go into detail about it, but I'll tell you what I can without sounding like a jerk or hurting anybody. I appologize for being kinda vague, but like I said, I'd like to keep specifics to a minimum. Apparently, somebody had reported my scout to a moderator because he/she thought that his/her art wasn't quite up to par with Art Portal standards. While the mods were checking him/her out, they must've seen my drawings and decided that they weren't up to par either, so they unscouted me. I'm not totally happy with this, as I think that my drawings are pretty good, but at the same time, there isn't a whole lot that I can do about it, so I just have to take things in stride at this point. Hopefully I'll be rescouted soon, but until then, be sure to check back here for all my latest. Also, my scout, Kiranup got unscouted as well, so check him out. His art is great, so I have a feeling that he won't have any trouble getting rescouted.

Oh, and in an unrelated note, be sure to vote for me in the SCOW Contest! I'm doing pretty good as of now, but I need some more votes to win. Thanks!

Posted by Spunky6666 - February 9th, 2010

I seriously don't know why this happened at all. My scout has not been unscouted, I didn't break any rules and my former scout didn't say anything about unscouting me, so I'm very confuzed. I've contacted some people to try and figure out why this has happened, I'm hoping that it was just a mistake or something. I'm also hoping that I get rescouted soon! I'll post again if anything new pops up. Wow, this stinks.

Posted by Spunky6666 - February 7th, 2010

For the Simple Character of the Week Contest, of course. I think he turned out pretty well. Be sure to vote for me! Also, the website got a piratey update today, go check that out please. Until next post, remember: Look out for chupacabras-they're nasty and they'll eat your goats.

I made a simple pirate