It's finally done! My site has launched! It has art, a blog run by Twitchy Te Bear, character bios, bonus content and links to other cool sites. Go visit it! Also, if you'd like to have your site advertised on mine, PM me and I'll post a link to your site. OH GOD I"M JUST SO HAPPY THE SITE IS FINALLY UP!!! Lastly, I'll be going back to making new arts now, so check back for more pictures. 'Till then, have fun with the BRAND NEW SITE:)
What exactaly is the site?
It's a site for my art. The home page is a bit unclear, but click the link that says art for the main stuff. Click exclusive content for bonus stuff. Click coming soon for a calendar with up 'n coming stuff on it. The links page is links to other sites and Twitchy's Blog iz just 4 fun. Hope that helps!