This is just obnoxious. It's not clever like IWBTG, it's just a bunch of dumb "traps".
This is just obnoxious. It's not clever like IWBTG, it's just a bunch of dumb "traps".
It shows how you control your mind According to Level
This game is really fun and designed super well, but having lives just sort of kills it. All that does is force me to keep replaying stuff I've already done so that I can get back to where I was, and for what? That kind of design worked on the NES when games were full priced but short and in arcades where people had to pay per play, but it really has no place here. At least give the option to play without them.
Update incoming! I think I'm pretty much swayed by the consensus about removing the limited lives. So they are no longer a hindrance as of version 1.1.0
Oh look, a bland Miami Shark clone. I usually don't like leaving reviews with sarcasm, and this is no exception. I'm not being sarcastic, that's literally all this is. Nothing is truly improved upon or changed and the mayhem seen in its inspiration is totally absent. Good for a quick medal run, and that's it. Please try to innovate more next time if you plan on using a pre-existing concept.
Well, I can appreciate your stand and thank you for your comment. I realize not everything is to everyone's tastes and in this case I can see what you are saying. Funny thing, the Wiesi (Shark guy) is well aware of this game and did like it (I showed it to him before releasing it). I know it's not on his level but it was a fun spin and I had fun making it. I know you probably don't prefer to talk sarcastically and I'm the first to admit we can't always hit them out of the park on the first try. I'm learning and thanks for the feedback! Best, -Tim
I hate this game's gameplay, but I have to respect the message and the fact that if I were to enjoy the game, that would be lost. It leaves me, the player/reviewer, in a weird spot. I'm reminded of No More Heroes here, where the lengthy, boring side jobs were terrible to trudge through, but they were used to brilliant narrative and metaphorical effect and they only worked if they were "bad". Because of this, I want to give it more stars, but I can only give it a good three, because while really cool, it just isn't fun. Please don't take that as a sign that I thought it was average, however. I loved it, I just hated playing it.
I completely agree with your review and rating. The concept of giving players negative feelings in games is something that many would say is universally bad, but I wasn't sure and wanted to try it out. I think it did mostly work the way I wanted it to. Probably not something I'll try again to this degree, but I'm glad I did it.
Thanks for the thoughtful review.
You click a hastily "drawn" couch for a medal. That isn't funny or interesting, or even original.
dont be that bitch nigguh
Seriously though, there's no speed between stop and hyper and you can't do anything to prevent the AI from swooping in on you. The gam play here is bare minimum.
Thank you, yes
you can only stop the fishes of your team (this is useful when they scored high speed).
But you can push apart and overtake opponents and pick up the ball.
I came in expecting only to grab some medals and leave, but since then I have replayed this game numerous times. The characters are quirky and the conversations are a ton of fun to play around with. Add in some nice music and a great sense of humor, and this game looks pretty darn nice, especially for something made so quickly. My only issue is that, as has been pointed out, it is a bit too short.
Awesome review <3! Hopefully I could be able to make a longer version some day :)
I expected to hate this. The presentation was dull and it looked low quality. Even the arrows on some of the blocks weren't "drawn" very well. That said, I actually got into it. I was surprised at how drawn in I was once I started playing, and some of the level designs were actually quite interesting as well as a good medium level of challenging. While even a loose story and a password save feature would be nice, I can't say that the game isn't cool as it is.
The misaligned arrows on the platforms had a purpose; they showed the initial direction of the platform. But I understand that the presentation was dull. We're working harder to get some better graphics. Thanks for the review!
It's okay. Bob only has 1 attack and the game gets tedious fast. Definetely could've used more variety. It's just okay for me.
I agree, it does get tedious fast. I would have liked to add more, but the project was eating up too much time and I had to draw a line somewhere.
Glad you were able to enjoy the game at least!
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