View Profile Spunky6666
I like Mayonnaise a lot. And submitting art to Newgrounds. But mostly mayonnaise.


Medal Earner/ Artist

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Mayotown, USA

Joined on 9/5/09

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Spunky6666's News

Posted by Spunky6666 - January 28th, 2012

Now I know what you're saying', you're sayin' "But Spanky you've been saying that forEVER!" and to that I reply, in an Egoraptor-esque voice, "SHUT THE FU*K UP, JESUS!". But seriously, I'm almost done with my drawing, it should be up in roughly a week or so, and I'm EXCITED AS SH*T to show you guys what I've made, it's going to be by far the most KICKASS SH*T that I've drawn so far. Wow, I seem to be swearing a lot more in theis post. Combine that hint with the last two I've given in my previous posts and you should be able to guess what I'm drawing, by the way.

Posted by Spunky6666 - January 22nd, 2012

I am hovering around being halfway done with my new drawing, which is to say that I've actually made real progress for the first time in forever. I'm real excited to show you guys what it is, 'cuz it looks pimpin', I ain't playin'. And yes, that's a hint as to what it is.

Posted by Spunky6666 - January 13th, 2012

I posted about a month back about how I wanted to get something out by Christmas, but I keep putting it off. I get busy, lazy, whatever. I do have some cool ideas though, so here's the deal. I'm not going to give myself a hard deadline, because that never works, but I got something new coming. It's called Mario World, but it's not what you think. Here's a hint:

He doesn't help people, he jumps on them.

Posted by Spunky6666 - December 5th, 2011

I don't know what yet, but I'd like to release SOMETHING around Christmas. If anybody has any ideas, feel free to comment.

Posted by Spunky6666 - October 2nd, 2011

I just posted a new comic in my thread in the art forum, Spunky6666 Land. Go check it out, or you'll be falcon punched within the next three days.

Posted by Spunky6666 - September 18th, 2011

Hey everyone, I'm doing the first ever LP of Stickya Adventurya on YouTube. Some other people have recorded runs of the game, but I'm almost positive I'm the first to fully commentate on it in a multiple part series, which is kind of surprising since it's a pretty cool game. So far two episodes and a test episode are out, go check out my channel to see them, and be sure to rate, comment and/or subscribe.

NOTE: All credits for the game go to Eggy, not me. I didn't make it, I'm just playing it like a boss. More like a miniboss actually, 'cuz I'm not very good. Oh well!

First Evar Stickya Adventurya Let('s) Play

Posted by Spunky6666 - August 31st, 2011

That's right, I haven't made new art recently because I'm busy Let Playing! Right now I'm doing Ultimate Flash Sonic, but I plan to Let Play other Newgrounds games later on. I'm just starting out, so please help by rating, commenting, and/or urinating on my videos, and also remember to subscribe to my channel. I'm known as SpunkySix on YouTube, by the way, and to get to my channel just click the link on my name. A link to my best episode so far is shown below, and it features the Awesome Chaotix by Egoraptor!


Posted by Spunky6666 - July 28th, 2011

Except instead of Cubix it's just a bunch of weird 2 point perspective shapes! The new drawing, as described here, is shown below. Please review it and let me know what you think, I'm really trying to push myself to take more time on my art and I'd like to know if it's working or not.

Cubix Robots 4 Evry1

Posted by Spunky6666 - July 26th, 2011

Soonish, as in within the next few days, I'll be uploading a 3D cubes picture. Hopefully Nintendo sponsors me and it gets made in actual 3D. Except that won't happen. Ever.

Posted by Spunky6666 - July 9th, 2011

I wasn't lying! My scanner really broke and I really fixed it and my new piece (shown below) is actually legitimate! Thanks for the help offer inuyasha5114, but everything's good on my end now. Anyhow:

1. This Summer I'll be posting a bunch of new art, keep an eye out for it and remember to review it!
2. The website will be made not awful soon. I'm not sure when, but I'll be fixing it up real good.
3. The Mayonauts project is on hold until I get more skilled at animating, so it might be awhile, but it's
not totally cancelled.
4. Do you liek Mudkips? I do.