View Profile Spunky6666
I like Mayonnaise a lot. And submitting art to Newgrounds. But mostly mayonnaise.


Medal Earner/ Artist

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Mayotown, USA

Joined on 9/5/09

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Spunky6666's News

Posted by Spunky6666 - July 5th, 2011

My dumpy jerk of a scanner randomly decided not to work today, so I'll be trying to figure out how to make it be not awful. Once it decides to cooperate with me, I'll give it a chocalate chip cookie, and then I'll upload my new piece. Which, by the way, is hilariously better than anything else in my portfolio, to the point where you'll probably wonder why I've been drawing mayonnaise monsters this whole time. Of course, the reason is that I LIKE to draw mayonnaise monsters, but that's niether here nor there.

Also, if my recent posts seem a little sarcastic, it's because I've been playing way too much Kingdom of Loathing recently. My KOL username is SpunkySix.

Posted by Spunky6666 - July 3rd, 2011

Gah! Sorry I've been inactive for s. Long, the year got BUSY!!! I'm back though, and I'll be here more consistently now that Summer is here. In two days I'll be posting some new art, as well as some news, so be sure to check that out.

Posted by Spunky6666 - April 23rd, 2011

Hey, all! Here's some "concept art" for a scene in the stick movie me and Arthur are making. That is all.

Kept You Waiting, Huh?

Posted by Spunky6666 - April 10th, 2011

Nothing new as of late, but trust me, more is to come.

Posted by Spunky6666 - March 1st, 2011

Spicy because now it has red in it, like the pepper. I added black outlines as well as a red underline, I think it adds a little "oomph" to my page, don't you? In case you've never been here, the old banner in all it's relative crappiness is shown below.

My "Spicy" New Banner...

Posted by Spunky6666 - February 26th, 2011

Hey guys! It's been awhile since I've posted new art, but now I have two new ones to show you! Both, in my opinion, are better than basically everything else I've done so far. I'd like to point out that they actually form one big picture together, but my scanner is too small to fit it all in to one piece of art. Part one is shown below.


1. A massive update to my site is coming soon. I'll announce when that's coming later.
2. I just got official BETA testing rights to the "Poorly Animated Stick Film", aka PASF.


3. Please take the time to review my new art. Part of my next update will be cleaning out my crappier
pieces and advertising my better ones in an effort to get scouted. Help me out with a review, and
maybe even a recomendation. Thanks you kindly.

Two New Pictures!!!

Posted by Spunky6666 - February 24th, 2011

I've sent Arthur the tenative script for "Poorly Animated Stick Film". Production has already begun, and I gotta say, it's looking pretty crappy... in a good way.

Posted by Spunky6666 - February 19th, 2011

It's some other time now, and I've got a big announcement to make. I've decided that to prepare for the challenge of animating the Mayonauts cartoon, me and AthuruhtrA are going to be making a short flash film entitled "Poorly Animated Stick Movie", a parody of those God-awful stick films that people make when they're new to flash. This will give me a chance to write up a script, and it will give Arthur practice in animating. Inyasha is still on the Mayonauts project of course, but it will be nice to have somebody else that can animate too.

Also, please take a look at my frog painting. I think I did pretty well on it, and if you review it, I'll make it worth your while. Thanks!

Posted by Spunky6666 - February 13th, 2011

More news at some other time...

Posted by Spunky6666 - January 22nd, 2011

Hey guys, sorry about the last post, I was in a (Sonic?) rush! Anyway, the new art is here, which marks my first officially submitted piece in quite some time. As you can see, it's a bit more art focused and plain than my other drawings, and it's also my first painting. I added a smile to the frog to make it feel more like one of my pictures, though. What do you think of it? Also, I'm on frame 160 something in the Mayonauts Flash Project now. Lastly, I'll be updating the website soon-ish, so be on the lookout for that! 'Till next time, see 'ya!

New Art!  Finally!!!